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Zevoy Helpdesk
Get started with Zevoy
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Welcome to Zevoy
Manage your Zevoy Account
Bookkeeping and Zevoy
Set up your bookkeeping
Integrations for expenses
Export your expenses
Payments with Zevoy
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Claims and Zevoy
Get started with claims
Review and export claims
Claims for app users
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Frequently asked questions, and answers to them.
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What can I do if the identification fails?
How do we verify your identity?
How to log in using your email
Which devices support Google Pay?
How do I apply for a credit limit raise?
My PIN code is locked. What should I do?
Can I use my card for withdrawing cash?
What are the different spending limits for my card?
Do I need to pay a disputed amount?
What is authorization?
What's the difference between a virtual card and a physical card?
I have received an authorization request from the App without making an online purchase. What should I do?
What are contactless payments?
How do I destroy my card?
Where will my card be delivered?
What should I think about when shopping online?
Why didn't I get an electronic receipt for my purchase?
My payment failed for insufficient funds, what should I do?
What is skimming?
How do I activate my card for contactless payments?
My card was stolen or lost, what should I do?
Should I choose EUR or the local currency when paying with my card abroad?
How do I add my Zevoy card to my Apple Watch?
Can I withdraw currency with my card at a currency exchange?
Can my card be delivered abroad?
There is a purchase I don't recognize, what should I do?
What should I do if my withdrawal fails?
I have recurring transactions every month that I don't recognize, what should I do?
How do I add my Zevoy card to Apple Pay?
What should I think about when it comes to credit card security?
How is my expiring card renewed?
How do I change my default card on Apple Pay to Zevoy?
What is phishing?
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I’ve forgotten my PIN code, what should I do?
How do I view my PIN in the App?
How do I upload a receipt in the App?
How do I freeze my card in the App?
What is biometric authentication?
How do I change the app language?
I don't recognize the place of purchase but I recognize the amount. What should I do?
How do I close my card in the App?
How do I view my card details in the App?
How do I view my purchases in the App?
How do I view my available card balance?
How do I know if my expense has been approved?
How do I enter several VAT rates for one receipt?
How do I download the Zevoy App?
I don't have a receipt, what should I do?
What’s the pending €1/£1/$1 in my expenses?
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What are Hub roles and how do I assign them?
How do I order new cards?
How do I approve and reject expenses?
What's the export queue?
Why is my purchase waiting for clearing?
Who can access the Hub?
How do I freeze cards in the Hub?
Why is my payment displayed twice?
How do I access the Hub?
How do I edit expenses submitted by users?
Does Zevoy work with my Swedish accounting software?
How do I set up my account plan?
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Can I choose to have my invoice sent to my email address?
Can I extend the payment period of my Zevoy invoice?
What should I do if I have problems paying my invoice?
What is the due date for my invoice?
What is the penal interest for late payments?
My purchase did not show up on the invoice, what should I do?
I haven't received a refund, what should I do?
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