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Netsuite claims integration

Export your claims to NetSuite with our integration. Create employee-addressed expense reports with complete payment and accounting details.

Updated over 5 months ago

The exported expense reports will automatically be grouped by user.

To be able to send exports for your claims you need to fill some export prerequisites:

  1. On the Settings page, go to SEPA Payments and fill in the payment details for your company. The Bank party ID is usually your business ID without the dash. If you are unsure, you can verify this with your bank.

  2. In the Accounting tab, fill in your Debt to employees account as well as your Mileage and Per diem accounts.

  3. Next, add payment information for your users. This can be done on the Users page by opening each user's profile and navigating to the Payment details.

Activate the integration and set your export type

  1. In the Hub under Settings, head over to the Export tab and select Activate under Netsuite. Click Connect to Netsuite.

  2. Fill in the requested fields and click Connect to NetSuite.

  3. Under Export type, set the type of both expense- and travel claims to Integration to NetSuite.

  4. Fill in the requested fields:

    1. Account ID
      You can find you NetSuite account ID under Setup → Company → Company Information. Your account ID can also be found in your NetSuite home page URL, right next to “”. For example, if your URL is “”, your account ID would be 1234567.

    2. Client ID and Client Secret
      To get these data points, you have to create a Zevoy integration in NetSuite. Go to Setup → Integration → Manage Integrations → New.Name the integration something you will recognize later (Like “Zevoy TBA” for Zevoy Token-Based Authentication). You only need to have the "Token-based authentication" box ticked. When you press “Save”, you will see the Client ID and Client Secret parameters. After creating the application, make sure to copy the Client credentials (Client ID and Client Secret), since these will not be visible after leaving the page.

    3. Token and Token Secret
      To create an access token, you will first need to define which rights the token will have. Go to Setup → Users/Roles → Manage roles → New. Name the role something you will remember later (like “Zevoy Role”). Tick the “Web Services Only Role” box. After you’ve created your role, head over to Setup → Users/Roles → Access Tokens → New. For Application name, choose the integration we created in step 1. Choose a user, and then choose the Zevoy Role you created earlier in this section. When you press “Save”, you will see the Token ID and Token Secret parameters. Copy and paste these into the Zevoy authentication window (these will no longer be visible after you leave this window).

    4. Subsidiary
      Here you can set your preferred subsidiary. Please make sure to use the internal id of the subsidiary, and not the name.

    5. VAT codes
      You need to set the VAT codes for each home country VAT class. These fields will determine which VAT code will be used on which VAT percentage on the expense. You can also force certain VAT codes for certain categories by setting the VAT code in the Settings → Categories tab. By leaving the VAT code field empty in Zevoy, the VAT code is determined based on these VAT percentage mappings.

    6. Folder ID
      When exporting to NetSuite, the receipt PDF attachment will be sent into a file cabinet folder of your choice. You can find the folder ID by hovering over it in the NetSuite file cabinet U

  5. After filling in all the above fields, click Connect to NetSuite.

Permissions Required:




Make Journal Entry


Expense Report









Documents and Files




Tax Records






Expense Categories



Customer Segments


SOAP Web Services


User Access Tokens


Custom records: Please choose any custom records, like cost centres or projects, that you wish to use in Zevoy. Zevoy only needs “View” permissions for these.

How to export your claims to NetSuite

  1. In the Zevoy Hub, navigate to the Travel claims or Expense claims page.

  2. Under Submitted you'll find the claims that need reviewing. Edit the claims if needed by clicking Edit.

  3. Approve the claims by selecting several at a time, or by opening them one by one. Selecting items will reveal the action toolbar.

  4. You can now create an export queue for yourself. Select the items you wish to mark for export under Approved and click Move to export queue.

  5. Hovering over the bubbles in the Exports column will indicate if the claims are ready, or if additional information is needed. If the bubbles are grey with a checkmark, you’re good to go!

  6. Now you're ready to send your files! Under Export queue, select all claims, or those you wish to export, and a toolbar will appear.

  7. Click Export on the toolbar and choose either Bookkeeping & Payment or All. This will send the bookkeeping file and and generate expense reports addressed to the employees in Netsuite.
    With travel claims, the All option also sends the details to the Finnish incomes registry.

  8. When the export succeeds, the bubbles will turn green and the expenses will be moved to the Exported section!

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